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Online Security Management Training

Online Security Management Training 

Due to the fact we are repeatedly asked by potential clients for online security courses we are now offering a selection of online courses for those who are concerned about their personal or travel security and security management professionals. We understand that many people cannot travel to our courses, so we are offering online security courses that cover exactly the same materials, assignments with individual instructor supervision that we offer at our training locations.


These courses are aimed at concerned citizens, security, close protection, and risk management professionals who require professional tuition from real world perspectives to be able to formulate security plans, programs and protocols for themselves, their businesses, or organizations.


The courses require the student to read through the course material and then complete two or three taskings which involve you writing operational assessments and reports. Students will be required to have one-to-one briefings and debriefing via Zoom or messaging app. Students assignments are individually assessed and students who reach the required standard are issues Risks Incorporated Certification for the specific course.


The courses we are offering are:

  • Active Shooter & Terrorist Attack Response

  • Compiling Threat Assessments (TA)

  • Building & Compound Security

  • International Travel Security

  • Hostile Environment Operation

  • Kidnap & Ransom Prevention

Course Details

  • Threat Assessments: Threat Assessments are the most important of all the procedures carried out in security operations. But you will find that even the most basic Threat Assessments are regularly overlooked in the majority of security and business operations. The reason for compiling a Threat Assessment is to identify anything that might threaten your client, your team, and the overall operation. In this module we will cover how to compile Threat Assessments for individual clients and corporate operations. Cost: $175.00 USD

  • Building & Compound Security: Residential, office and compound Security is a task that is usually taken lightly. A lot of people seem to believe that just putting up a few security cameras and having security personnel to meet and greet visitors is all they need, WRONG! In this module we will cover what needs to be considered and how to properly plan the security for international residence and business locations in both urban and rural areas. Cost: $175.00 USD

  • International Travel Security: This module covers how to plan international trips be they for your pleasure or if you’re planning them for a client who is visiting a high-risk location. There are a multitude of things that need to be considered and can go wrong when traveling internationally, this is where thorough planning is a must. This module will enable you to be able to identify and avoid potential hazards before they take place! Cost: $175.00 USD

  • Active Shooter & Terrorist Attack Response: Sadly, we must face the fact that active shooter incidents and terrorist attacks are something that we are going to be living with for some time to come, and it is necessary that everyone knows what to do if they are involved in a hostile situation. Our online active shooter and terrorist attack response course will give you the critical information needed to put together workable crisis plans and procedures for your family, business, or organization. The course is applicable to concerned citizens, security professionals, first responders and allocated company security managers. Cost: $175.00 USD

  • Hostile Environment Operations: In this course we cover how to effectively plan projects that will take place in potentially hostile environments and how to identify the issues you could encounter and prepare relevant countermeasures. Effective planning and preparation are essential in all operations in today's hostile environments and emerging markets. This course will enable you to identify potential threats, avoid potential problems and manage crisis situations. Students taking this course must have completed at least one of our other courses. Cost: $175.00 USD

  • Kidnap & Ransom Prevention: In this module we will explore the real world of kidnapping for ransom and how the commercial security manager or operator can effectively counter the threat and if necessary, deal with crisis situations. There many myths about commercial kidnap and ransom operations and after completing this course the students will understand the difference between the Hollywood fantasy image of the business and the actual reality. Students taking this course must have completed at least one of our other courses. This course includes a verbal/video question and answer segment that requires a good internet connection. Cost $175.00 USD


Additional Notes

  • Students will receive study materials via email in PDF format

  • Instructor supervision is provided via Zoom, Signal, WhatsApp, or Telegram etc.

  • Each module requires approximately 16 hours’ work depending on how in-depth you go!

  • Everyone who wishes to take one of our inline security courses must provide a copy of valid government issued passport or identification card.

  • Risks Incorporated Certificates will be emailed in PDF or JPEG formats to successful students.

  • Payments can be received via PayPal, Western Union, or Money Wires


Contact us to sign up!

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